Compress CBZ/CBR

Image Format
Image Resize


This free compressor can help you compress CBZ/CBR comic books, reducing its file size and making these books easier to store, read and share. If you have many large comic books, you can use this tool to create a smaller comic book with the same content as the original file. You can control the compression level and the quality of the output image as needed. With the "Image Format" option, you can control the output image format. With the "Image Resize" option, you can control whether or not to resize the output image. If your source file is very large, the whole compression process may take a long time. The source file can be CBZ (Zip file format)/CBR (RAR file format)/CBT (Tar file format)/CB7 (7Z file format) files. The output file is CBZ comic book.

How To Use

  1. Select a "CBZ/CBR File" (such as *.cbz, *.cbr, *.cbt, *.cb7 and more)..
  2. Select a value in the "Options".
  3. Click the "Convert" button to start uploading your files.
  4. Once the upload is complete, the converter will redirect a web page to display the conversion results.

Main Options

Image Format Options

Image Resize Options

By default, the width and height of the output comic image is the same as the source image, and if it is adjusted to smaller values, a smaller compressed file can be obtained. This tool can resize the source image by a certain percentage (ranging from 90% to 10%).


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