Change EPUB Cover

Cover Image
Image Resize


This tool can help you change the cover of your EPUB ebooks, you can use an existing image or design your own ebook cover and save it as an image, then set it as a new cover, the tool support many images, such as JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG and more. The tool offers two main options "Image Resize" and "Background". For the "Image Resize" option, you can set value to "Auto", "Fill", "Stretch" or "Tile". For the "Background" option, you can choose various colors such as "Blue", "Green", "Gray", "Olive" and more, if you select the "None" value, the tool will create a cover with a transparent background.

How To Use

  1. Select an "EPUB File".
  2. Select an "Cover Image" (such as *.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif, *.png and more).
  3. Select a value in the "Image Resize".
  4. Click the "Convert" button to start uploading your files.
  5. Once the upload is complete, the converter will redirect a web page to display the conversion results.

Image Resize Options


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