Online Converter

Weight/Mass Converter


Calculation Results

Microgram (UG)
Milligram (MG)
Kilogram (KG)
Pound (LB)
Ounce (OZ)
Gram (G)
Carat (CT)
Metric Ton (T)
Short Ton (TON)
Long Ton (LT)
Stone (ST)


This free weight converter can convert between different weight units, you just need to enter a value and select the original unit, the tool will quickly calculate all the values of other weight units. The supported units include: Microgram (UG), Milligram (MG), Kilogram (KG), Pound (LB), Ounce (OZ), Gram (G), Carat (CT), Metric Ton (T), Short Ton (TON), Long Ton (LT) and Stone (ST).

How To Use

  1. Enter a "Value".
  2. Select an original "Weight Unit", such as Microgram, Milligram, Kilogram or other.
  3. Click button "Convert" to calculate.
  4. The calculation results will be displayed in table.


  • Mass of an object is often referred to as its weight though two units are not the same.
  • Weight is a force and a measure of how strongly gravity.
  • Mass is a numerical description of how much matter something contains.

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