This free tool can help you combine multiple image files into a single PDF document, creating a PDF file from a series of images. The tool converts each image into a PDF page, places the image in the center of the page, then concatenates the pages into a single PDF file. If the width or height of the image is larger then the PDF page size, it will be automatically shink to fit the page. With the "Minimum Border" option, you can adjust the distance between the image and the border. The default PDF page size is A4, if you select the "Previously Created PDF" option, the default page size will be same as the first PDF file. This tool supports many image formats, such as JPG, BMP, GIF, PNG and more, or raw photos from various digital cameras, such as DNG, Canon CR2/CR3, Nikon NEF, Sony ARW and more. You need to select at least two files, the third and fourth files are optional.
More Than 4 Images
- Merge the first 4 images and create a new PDF file.
- Select the "Merge To" option as "Previously Created PDF" and select the previously output PDF file as the first file, then add the other images.
How To Use
- Select two or more "Image File" (such as *.jpg, *.bmp, *.gif, *.png, *.arw, *.cr2, *.cr3, *.crw, *.dcr, *.dng, *.heic, *.jpeg, *.mrw, *.nef, *.nrw, *.orf, *.pcx, *.pef, *.psd, *.raf, *.raw, *.rw2, *.sr2, *.srf, *.srw, *.tif, *.tiff, *.webp, *.wmf, *.x3f and more).
- Click the "Convert" button to start uploading your files.
- Once the upload is complete, the converter will redirect a web page to display the conversion results.
Main Options
- New PDF, all input files are images, and each image will be converted into a PDF page.
- Previously Created PDF, select the PDF file you created earlier as the first file, then add additional images, which the tool will append to the end of the first PDF file.
Page Size Options
- Default, for "New PDF" option, the default page size is A4, and for the "Existed PDF" option, the default page size will be same as the first PDF file.
- Other Page Size includes: A0 (841 mm : 1189 mm), A1 (594 mm : 841 mm), A2 (420 mm : 594 mm), A3 (297 mm : 420 mm), A4 (210 mm : 297 mm), A5 (148 mm : 210 mm), A6 (105 mm : 148 mm), B0 (1000 mm : 1414 mm), B1 (707 mm : 1000 mm), B2 (500 mm : 707 mm), B3 (353 mm : 500 mm), B4 (250 mm : 353 mm), B5 (176 mm : 250 mm), B6 (125 mm : 176 mm), Legal (8.5 inch : 14 inch), Letter (8.5 inch : 11 inch).
Minimum Border Options
- The first value is for the left and right border.
- The second value is for the top and bottom border.
- The maximum upload file size is 200 MB.
- Before uploading, please make sure you agree to the terms of this website.
- If the file upload process takes a long time or is unresponsive or very slow, please try to cancel and resubmit.
- This converter cannot support encrypted or protected image files.
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